中華民國醫學物理學會 Chinese Society of Medical Physics

年會投稿 Conference Call for Paper Posters

第一屆台韓放腫交流會議 暨 2024台灣放射腫瘤學會暨中華民國醫學物理學會聯合學術研討會(The 1st Taiwan-Korea Radiation Oncology Symposium & 2024 Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of TASTRO and CSMPT)

開放投稿身份 無限制
Online Abstract Submission Opens and Deadline
2024/03/29 - 2024/06/10 (已截止)

「第一屆台韓放腫交流會議暨2024台灣放射腫瘤學會及中華民國醫學物理學會聯合學術研討會」將於202483~84(週六~日)假 中山醫學大學誠愛樓/正心樓舉行。大會將設壁報論文展示專區,歡迎所有會員發表一年來的研究成果。


  • 投稿方式:僅限使用大會網站線上投稿(https://reurl.cc/RWN5mn),請依照論文投稿步驟投稿。
  • 截稿日期:至6月10日(星期一) 23:59。
  • 大會聯絡人: Ruby






年輕研究學者Young Investigator Award(臨床含基礎、醫學物理分開計算,每組各1名,限三年以內年資並採口頭報告,於投稿時註記)




  • 第一作者或通訊作者需其一為兩會會員。若皆為非兩會會員者,須有其一按照大會報名程序完成者,方始受稿。
  • 已在其他期刊發表過,或投稿前已被期刊接受的文章,恕不採用;若是審查中的文章,於大會截稿日前通過期刊審查的,不予採用。
  • 投稿題目不得與其它學術會議發表過之中英文題目相同。
  • 登入後請點選【新增投稿論文】,此為主要登入者(第一作者或通訊作者)
  • 投稿時之最重要流程,請按照系統規定填寫資訊。
  • 投稿步驟如下:填寫作者資訊→填寫論文內容→預覽及送出。
  • 論文投稿內容格式:(請依照投稿系統指定鍵入資料)
  • 【口頭報告】:均採全英文報告
  • 除摘要題目、作者及服務單位為中英文對照外,投稿內文為中文或英文皆可。
  • 英文篇名每字字首均統一使用大寫,介係詞及連接詞除外。
  • 內文應包含:(1) Purpose、(2) Materials & Methods、(3) Results、(4) Conclusion 共四個段落。

 字數限制:Purpose、Materials & Methods、Results、Conclusion

  • 四個段落總字數上限為 300 字,超過者將無法投稿完成。

 【修改個人資訊】除主要登入者(第一作者或通訊作者)之身分證

   字號及E-mail 無法修改外,其餘資訊皆可編輯或修訂。

  • 投稿類別為(1)臨床研究 (2)基礎醫學 (3)醫學物理 (4)輻射防護 (5)其他


The "The 1st Taiwan-Korea Radiation Oncology Symposium & 2024 Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of TASTRO and CSMPT" will be held from August 3rd to August 4th (Saturday to Sunday) at Cheng Ai Building & Jengshin Hall, Chung Shan Medical University. The conference will feature a poster presentation area for members to showcase their research findings from the past year.


  • Submission Guidelines:
    • Submission Method: Submissions are accepted only through the conference website (https://reurl.cc/RWN5mn). Please follow the submission steps outlined for paper submission.
    • Submission Deadline: June 1st, 23:59 (Monday), Taiwan (GMT+8)
    • Conference Contact: Ruby


  • Award Scheme: (Separated into [Clinical Research & Basic Medicine] and [Medical Physics] groups; 3 recipients per group, calculated separately for each group)
    • First Prize in Each Group: NT$5,000, certificate.
    • Second Prize in Each Group: NT$3,000, certificate.
    • Third Prize in Each Group: NT$2,000, certificate.
    • Young Investigator Award (Clinical and Basic, Medical Physics counted separately, 1 winner per group, with less than three years of experience, oral presentation required, indicate during submission)
    • Honorable Mention in Each Group: NT$2,000, certificate.


  • Submission Process Guidelines and Instructions:
    • Articles previously published in other journals or accepted for publication before submission will not be considered. Articles under review by journals will not be considered if they pass the journal review before the conference deadline.
    • Submission titles must not match those of articles presented at other academic conferences in both Chinese and English.
    • After logging in, click "Add New Paper Submission," which should be done by the primary login holder (first author or corresponding author).
    • Follow the system's instructions carefully during the submission process.
    • [Oral Presentation]: All presentation to be delivered exclusively in English.
    • The submission format should include abstract titles, authors, and affiliations in both Chinese and English. The main body of the submission can be in either Chinese or English.
    • Capitalize the first letter of each word in English titles, except for prepositions and conjunctions.
    • The submission should include four sections: (1) Purpose, (2) Materials & Methods, (3) Results, (4) Conclusion, with a maximum of 300 words for each section. Failure to comply with this limit will result in the inability to complete the submission.
    • Personal information, except for the ID number and email of the primary login holder (first author or corresponding author), can be edited or revised.
    • Submission categories include (1) Clinical Research, (2) Basic Medicine, (3) Medical Physics, (4) Radiation Protection, (5) Others.


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