中華民國醫學物理學會 Chinese Society of Medical Physics


100年01 月份南區治療物理讀書會

主辦單位 中華民國醫學物理學會
主  講  人
100年01 月份南區治療物理讀書會
作者: 劉明祥 (02-11 12:53) 發表討論 寄給 列印 工具 詳細資料

Topic: The physics and algorithms behind different Rotational Therapy QA systems
Presenter: Lin XU, Medical Physicist, COMPASS product specialist, IBA Dosimetry 
Mr. Lin XU has a Mater degree of Medical Physics in both France and China, as well as clinical experiences in China and France leading hospitals’ radiation therapy departments. He has been working with IBA as medical physicist for a year, and before that he worked in Florida US for 4 years as Medical Physicist for the IMRT treatment products and the QA solutions. 
場地:  成大醫院 放射腫瘤部 會議室
日期 : 100年1月29日 星期六 10:00